东莞市博采镭射包装材料有限公司系内资独资企业,创建于2004年,主要生产镭射膜? 镭射纸 镭射防伪膜等镭射包装材料及纯色镀铝膜 、纯色彩色膜等特殊镭射材料;以及礼品包装纸、礼品盒、手提袋、高档药烟酒及防伪包装等(含相关印刷纸制品及复膜等)。适用于广大礼品、烟酒及塑胶 、纸制品软包装、音像制品及服装透明包装等。 本公司有着现代化标准厂房、办公楼以及高标准的生活设施及场所,宿舍配备热水器、空调及免费无线WIFI;工厂生产设备齐全,技术力量雄厚,公司一直追求正规化、人性化的管理、现代化的设备、系统化的培训与管理特色,继续以不懈的进取精神、雄厚的企业实力,向着建立世界级品牌,沿着国际化、现代化的方向奋勇迈进。公司以现代化专业设备生产为主,现因业务拓展需要,特邀你的加盟!In the social society, Everyone is pursuing the modern an d a wonderful life. We pay great attention to delicate an d good quality products an d service. B-Wonderful Packing Makes Life Wonderful is just our permanent target to help us to achieve this.B-wonderful own good reputation In the holographic industry. With strong talented team, we are in the advance of holographic technology, pattern design, Products quality an d customer service. With more than 13 years experience, we always push ourselves to get adapt in the competitive market an d create more an d more achievement in the holographic field.Our target is not to be the largest Holographic manufacturer, but must be the best in the holographic industry.